Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sweetness in Trials

This and the next two fresh reviving thoughts
Remind me of a truth I once knew well
The holy life with trial is often fraught
But sweetest songs from fires often swell

We must be grateful ere the trial strikes
Before the first sharp pain is even dimmed
So greatly must we trust Him with our lives
And know this faith is glorifying Him

The day I broke my ankle at Cowboy Camp
 was one of the sweetest, holiest days of my life.
I have never since then or before known a greater sense of God's Presence
And His purpose in my life than within that first hour.
I cried, yes. Felt it deeply that all my beautiful dreams for that week were dashed.
But I would make the exchange again in a heartbeat
For the breathtaking peace I felt deep within my soul that day.
I had been reading "Choosing Gratitude" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, earlier that week.
So I knew what to do.
I said "Thank You."
It hurt terribly; my ankle and my heart,
But I decided to see His Hand in it and be THANKFUL for it,
Even though I didn't know why He sent it,
or what good would come out of it.
Immediately His peace poured over my soul,
The kind that passes all understanding.
I've never known a sweeter time.
Turns out, the good that came out of it
Was in my heart- a greater blessing and a sweeter song
Than I could've dreamed.
As you can see, its sweetness lingers still in my memory.

I had forgotten, this last round of trials,
That all I can see for now is the back of this cross-stitch puzzle,
That our loving Heavenly Father is making of our lives.
He sees the beautiful pattern, and ever orchestrates its interweaving
For our good and His glory.

We must have faith, and trust the work of His hands.
 He works all these things for our good, Romans 8:28
He remembers our frame, that we are but dust. Psalm 103:14
His grace is sufficient, and His strength is made perfect in weakness
2 Corinthians 12:9-11
Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7

  Beth <3 p="">

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