My brother Isaiah could not say ''Valentines'' when he was a toddler, but instead said ''Valentimes''. It was so cute! To this day that is what we sometimes say in our family - ''Happy Valentimes!''
Thought this was pretty!
Daddy will usually bring home something for ''his girls'' (Mom and I) for Valentines - flowers, or chocolate, and once even a little teddy bear.
It always serves to remind me - first, that my Daddy loves me. He has always loved me, and tells me so, but it is a precious expression of that love when he buys me something so special.
It also reminds me that my Heavenly Father loves me, because He is the one who chose to place me in this family, and gave me to my earthly father.
He has chosen to place me in this family, and for this season of my life, He has called me to live and serve here, in the sphere of my home and my family. Now personally, I am feeling quite content right now with just living here - I love, love, LOVE our new home in the country, and hope I get the priveledge of living here for at least five more years, Lord willing!
There are days, however, when I get wistful - waiting for the day when I can get married, have my own home, and a tall, dark and handsome Valentine to bring home flowers for me. ; D
I know, especially for you girls who are 20, 25, 30 . . .really of all ages, who are still single, it is hard to wait on God's timing, but He is faithful - and in Him is all the love and protection you could ask for.
And if He is asking you to walk this road right now, just trust Him - He will give you the grace to carry on, and He will give you joy that never goes away and peace you can't understand.
"Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." - Matt. 11:28-29
Love is here.
But beyond just waiting - take advantage of the opportunities you have now. This special and unique season of your life will only come once - the chance to serve in your home, with your family; the chance to build strong relationships with your siblings - to encourage them towards Godly manhood or womanhood, and to gain the most knowledge and wisdom from your parents.
Remember, they have been traveling through life a lot longer than we have, and they have had to fight the same battles and face the same struggles as we have.
Enjoy, savor, the family times - read a book to your little brother, take a walk with your Mom, work on a project with your Dad- it makes awesome memories, and will teach you things you will need to take into your future life.
Rest in your Heavenly Father's love - get to know Him, by spending time in His Word, and talking to Him on a regular basis.
I do not really consider myself "single", because I am part of a family. Nor am I lonely - I am surrounded by an abundance of wonderful friends of all ages.
Nor am I hurting for chocolate (yes, I splurged just a little for Valentines Day, but I had planned on it, and I'm back on the diet now. ; D)
Besides, girls, let's be honest - we love chocolate, but it doesn't always love us back! ; D
Hope you can sort through my thoughts - this is just what has been on my heart lately, and I hope it was encouraging to you!
those were some good thoughts, I guess I just can't relate to someone bringing me home a bunch of flowers...anyway it was a great post!!
Like this post Bethany...very encouraging for girls of all ages. I'm so happy the Lord has blessed you with contentment and wisdom in this season of your life. Sharon
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